#4.Lightning Readiness Assessment Report-Self Service Salesforce Org Health Tool

The Salesforce Lightning Experience Readiness Check assists Salesforce Classic customers, especially those with fully built / complex instances, map out their transition to the new Lightning interface. The Readiness Check is a tool provided by Salesforce to indicate how ready a specific Salesforce Classic environment is to make the move to Lightning.

How to run the Readiness Check

You access the Salesforce Lightning Readiness Check by going into the setup menu of your Salesforce Classic environment.

⏰ Click on Setup

From Setup in Salesforce Classic, click Get Started in the Lightning Experience Transition Assistant tile at the top of the menu
(1). From Setup in Lightning Experience, enter Lightning in the Quick Find box, then select Lightning Experience Transition Assistant.

Select the Discover phase (2).
Screenshot of the Lightning Experience Transition Assistant in Setup

Click Evaluate Lightning Experience Benefits and Readiness to expand the stage (3).

Click Check Readiness next to Check your Lightning Experience readiness (4).

Screenshot of the step for running the Readiness Check from the Transition Assistant.

When you run the Readiness Check, Salesforce generates a PDF Readiness Report and saves it in your Salesforce Files. You’ll get an email when your report is ready.

What Do I Do Next?

If you are still intimidated by the move to Lightning, you have several options. In addition to the Readiness Report email, you will most likely receive a second email from Salesforce offering a Scheduled Consultation. For many, a 30-minute conversation directly with Salesforce is an excellent way to kick off this process. You may also want to check out the Salesforce Trailhead trail; Getting Started with Lightning Experience. Along with this: There are free accelerator webinars conducting by Salesforce at Success Events, you can register here

Resources provided by Salesforce

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