Visual force tags – III

41. apex:outputPanel: A set of content that is grouped together, rendered with an HTML tag,

tag, or neither. Use an to group components together for AJAX refreshes.
42. apex:outputText: Displays text on a Visualforce page. You can customize the appearance of using CSS styles, in which case the generated text is wrapped in an HTML
tag. You can also escape the rendered text if it contains sensitive HTML and XML characters. This component does take localization into account.
43. apex:page: A single Visualforce page. All pages must be wrapped inside a single page component tag.
44. apex:pageBlock: An area of a page that uses styling similar to the appearance of a Salesforce detail page, but without any default content.
45. apex:pageBlockButtons: A set of buttons that are styled like standard Salesforce buttons. This component must be a child component of an .
46. apex:pageBlockSection: A section of data within an component, similar to a section in a standard Salesforce page layout definition.
47. apex:pageBlockSectionItem: A single piece of data in an that takes up one column in one row. An component can include up to two child components. If no content is specified, the column is rendered as an empty space. If one child component is specified, the content spans both cells of the column. If two child components are specified, the content of the first is rendered in the left, “label” cell of the column, while the content of the second is rendered in the right, “data” cell of the column.

48. apex:pageBlockTable: A list of data displayed as a table within either an or component, similar to a related list or list view in a standard Salesforce page. Like an , an
is defined by iterating over a set of data, displaying information about one item of data per row. The set of data can contain up to 1,000 items.
49. apex:pageMessage: This component should be used for presenting custom messages in the page using the Salesforce pattern for errors, warnings and other types of messages for a given severity. See also the pageMessages component.
50. apex:pageMessages: This component displays all messages that were generated for all components on the current page, presented using the Salesforce styling.
51. apex:panelBar: A page area that includes one or more tags that can expand when a user clicks the associated header. When an is expanded, the header and the content of the item are displayed while the content of all other items are hidden. When another is expanded, the content of the original item is hidden again. An can include up to 1,000 tags.
52. apex:panelBarItem: A section of an that can expand or retract when a user clicks the section header. When expanded, the header and the content of the is displayed. When retracted, only the header of the displays.
53. apex:panelGrid: Renders an HTML table element in which each component found in the body of the is placed into a corresponding cell in the first row until the number of columns is reached. At that point, the next component wraps
to the next row and is placed in the first cell.
54. apex:panelGroup: A container for multiple child components so that they can be displayed in a single panelGrid cell. An must be a child component of an.
55. apex:param: “A parameter for the parent component. The component can only be a child of the following components: , , , , , , ”
56. apex:relatedList: A list of Salesforce records that are related to a parent record with a lookup or master-detail relationship.
57. apex:repeat: An iteration component that allows you to output the contents of a collection according to a structure that you specify. The collection can include up to 1,000 items.
58. apex:scontrol: An inline frame that displays an s-control.
59. apex:sectionHeader: A title bar for a page. In a standard page, the title bar is a colored header displayed directly under the tab bar.
60. apex:selectCheckboxes: A set of related checkbox input elements, displayed in a table.

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