Sales Path in Salesforce

Give your sales reps a visual guide in the Salesforce1 mobile app: Show them where they are in the sales process and what they need to do next to close the sale. Have multiple sales processes at your company? Create a Sales Path (one per record type) for each process.

To setup Sales Path, follow the below steps

1. Go to Setup –> Customize –> Sales Path –> Settings.


2. Enable it.


3. Click \”New Sales Path\”.


4. Enter the Label and other information.


5. Add fields to each and every stage.


6. Click \”Save\”.


7. Click \”Finish\”.

To test the Sales path in the browser, follow the below steps

1. Add one/ to the end of the URL.

2. Select menu and select Opportunities.


3. Open an Opportunity to see the output.



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