Salesforce Developer Certification changes & Procedure to prepare

As you recently heard, Salesforce University is introducing three new certifications designed to help you make the most of the newest technology innovations on the Salesforce1 Platform. Those are

  1.    Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder.
  2.    Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I and
  3.    Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II.

Transition Exam prerequisite

What if I am 401 certified ?

If you Certified developer(Dev 401) can take a transition exam for \’Salesforce platform app builder\’ and maintain their certification as  \’Salesforce platform app builder\’ .

What if I am 501 certified ?

If you already completed the the Dev 501 multiple choice exam then you are eligible to take a transition exam for \’Salesforce platform developer 1\’.

If you are Dev 501 certified developer then you are eligible to take a exam for \’Salesforce platform developer 1\’.

From September 14 2015 these new certification going to play a major role in the market and it will surely changes the way we looked into certified professionals.

Below link will give you the transition path for each Salesforce certification.


References and Links

Study guide for each certification

  • Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder – Transition Exam study guide
  • Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I – Transition Exam study guide
  • Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II Multiple Choice – Transition Exam study guide
  • Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I/II – Transition Exam study guide

From below link you can find the answer for frequently asked questions about certification.

If you have any questions or doubts you can post in the below community called Salesforce Training & Certification


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1 thought on “Salesforce Developer Certification changes & Procedure to prepare”

  1. Pingback: Transition from Advanced Developer to Platform Developer I and II | patlatus

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