This post explains how to make the callout in Lightning Web Components(lwc)
We can make the callout from Lightning Web Component in two ways
1. Client-side controller(JS controller)
2. Using the server-side controller(Apex Class)
In this demo, I am using
alpha vantage provides the following services for free
- Â Realtime and historical stock data
- Â FX(Foreign exchange) and cryptocurrency feeds
- Â 50+ technical indicators
- Â Global coverage
Endpoint URL :Â
In this demo, I am making the callout to check the foreign currency exchange rates.
Example endpoint URL:<API_KEY>
{ \"Realtime Currency Exchange Rate\": { \"1. From_Currency Code\": \"USD\", \"2. From_Currency Name\": \"United States Dollar\", \"3. To_Currency Code\": \"INR\", \"4. To_Currency Name\": \"Indian Rupee\", \"5. Exchange Rate\": \"70.87700000\", \"6. Last Refreshed\": \"2019-08-09 14:01:57\", \"7. Time Zone\": \"UTC\", \"8. Bid Price\": \"70.86700000\", \"9. Ask Price\": \"70.88700000\" } }
Once you white-listed the endpoint URL now we are ready to create the component.
Approach 1: Client-Side Controller
<template> <lightning-card title=\"Realtime Currency Exchange Rate\" icon-name=\"standard:currency\"> <lightning-layout multiple-rows=\"true\" vertical-align=\"end\"> <lightning-layout-item size=\"12\" small-device-size=\"4\" medium-device-size=\"2\" large-device-size=\"2\" padding=\"around-small\"> <div class=\"slds-form-element\"> <div class=\"slds-form-element__control\"> <lightning-combobox title=\"Select Currency\" label=\"From Base Currency\" value={fromCurrencyValue} placeholder=\"-Select-\" options={options} onchange={handleFromCurrencyChange}></lightning-combobox> </div> </div> </lightning-layout-item> <lightning-layout-item size=\"12\" small-device-size=\"4\" medium-device-size=\"2\" large-device-size=\"2\" padding=\"around-small\"> <div class=\"slds-form-element\"> <div class=\"slds-form-element__control\"> <lightning-combobox title=\"Select Currency\" label=\"To Currency\" value={toCurrencyValue} placeholder=\"-Select-\" options={toCurrencyOptions} onchange={handleToCurrencyChange}></lightning-combobox> </div> </div> </lightning-layout-item> <lightning-layout-item size=\"12\" small-device-size=\"2\" medium-device-size=\"2\" large-device-size=\"2\" padding=\"around-small\"> <lightning-button title=\"Currency Conversion\" label=\"Conversion Rate\" variant=\"brand\" onclick={handleCurrencyConversion}></lightning-button> </lightning-layout-item> </lightning-layout><br/> <template if:true={conversionData}> <div class=\"slds-p-around_medium\" id=\"modal-content-id-1\"> <div style=\"font-size: 20px\"><h1>Exchange rate from Currency <b>{fromCurrencyValue}</b> to <b>{toCurrencyValue}</b> </h1></div><br/> <dl class=\"slds-list_horizontal slds-wrap\"> <dt class=\"slds-item_label slds-truncate\" title=\"From Currency Name\">From Currency Name</dt> <dd class=\"slds-item_detail slds-truncate\"><b>: {conversionData.From_Currency_Name}</b></dd> <dt class=\"slds-item_label slds-truncate\" title=\"From Currency Code\">From Currency Code</dt> <dd class=\"slds-item_detail slds-truncate\"><b>: {conversionData.From_Currency_Code}</b></dd> <dt class=\"slds-item_label slds-truncate\" title=\"To Currency Name\">To Currency Name</dt> <dd class=\"slds-item_detail slds-truncate\"><b>: {conversionData.To_Currency_Name}</b></dd> <dt class=\"slds-item_label slds-truncate\" title=\"To Currency Code\">To Currency Code</dt> <dd class=\"slds-item_detail slds-truncate\"><b>: {conversionData.To_Currency_Code}</b></dd> <dt class=\"slds-item_label slds-truncate\" title=\"Exchange Rate\">Exchange Rate</dt> <dd class=\"slds-item_detail slds-truncate\">: <b style=\"color:red;\">{conversionData.Exchange_Rate}</b></dd> <dt class=\"slds-item_label slds-truncate\" title=\"Last Refershed\">Last Refereshed</dt> <dd class=\"slds-item_detail slds-truncate\"><b>: {conversionData.Last_Refershed}</b></dd> </dl> </div> </template> </lightning-card> </template>
import { LightningElement, track} from \'lwc\'; // Currency options const options = [ { label: \'USD\', value: \'USD\' }, { label: \'EUR\', value: \'EUR\' }, { label: \'CAD\', value: \'CAD\' }, { label: \'GBP\', value: \'GBP\' }, { label: \'INR\', value: \'INR\' }]; export default class HTTPCalloutInLWC extends LightningElement { @track fromCurrencyValue; @track toCurrencyValue; @track options = options; @track toCurrencyOptions = options; @track conversionData; // Getting Base currency value handleFromCurrencyChange(event) { this.fromCurrencyValue = event.detail.value; } // getting exchange currency value handleToCurrencyChange(event) { this.toCurrencyValue = event.detail.value; } // Making Callout using Fetch handleCurrencyConversion() { fetch(\'\' + this.fromCurrencyValue + \'&to_currency=\' + this.toCurrencyValue + \'&apikey=4W7NZUQNJ061YHHF\', // End point URL { // Request type method:\"GET\", headers:{ // content type \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\", // adding your access token \"Authorization\": \"OAuth 00DB0000000EfVQ!AQwAQEiiynMU2EsBcS2PhXSQ6KQTTG.Zr0hlDHTFcGcAPqKQOBNDB0rwyASZK44fqIAVe6GrVNZPsAWJ6iqXLNBfSQ.dqvW1\", } }) .then((response) => { return response.json(); // returning the response in the form of JSON }) .then((jsonResponse) => { let objData = { From_Currency_Name : \'\', From_Currency_Code : \'\', To_Currency_Name : \'\', To_Currency_Code : \'\', Exchange_Rate : \'\', Last_Refersed : \'\', }; window.console.log(\'jsonResponse ===> \'+JSON.stringify(jsonResponse)); // retriving the response data let exchangeData = jsonResponse[\'Realtime Currency Exchange Rate\']; // adding data object objData.From_Currency_Code = exchangeData[\'1. From_Currency Code\']; objData.From_Currency_Name = exchangeData[\'2. From_Currency Name\']; objData.To_Currency_Code = exchangeData[\'3. To_Currency Code\']; objData.To_Currency_Name = exchangeData[\'4. To_Currency Name\']; objData.Exchange_Rate = exchangeData[\'5. Exchange Rate\']; objData.Last_Refershed = exchangeData[\'6. Last Refreshed\']; // adding data object to show in UI this.conversionData = objData; }) .catch(error => { window.console.log(\'callout error ===> \'+JSON.stringify(error)); }) } }
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <LightningComponentBundle xmlns=\"\" fqn=\"HTTPCalloutInLWC\"> <apiVersion>46.0</apiVersion> <isExposed>true</isExposed> <targets> <target>lightning__AppPage</target> <target>lightning__RecordPage</target> <target>lightning__HomePage</target> </targets> </LightningComponentBundle>
Approach 2: Server-Side Controller
public inherited sharing class CurrencyConversionController { @AuraEnabled public static map<String, Object> retriveCurrencyConversionRates(String strEndPointURL){ map<String, Object> mapJsonData = new map<String, Object>(); String strResponse = null; if(String.isNotBlank(strEndPointURL)) { HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest(); httpRequest.setEndpoint(strEndPointURL); httpRequest.setMethod(\'GET\'); httpRequest.setHeader(\'Authorization\', \'OAuth \' + UserInfo.getSessionId()); httpRequest.setHeader(\'Authorization\', \'Bearer \' + UserInfo.getSessionId()); try { Http http = new Http(); HttpResponse httpResponse = http.send(httpRequest); while(httpResponse.getStatusCode() == 302) { httpRequest.setEndpoint(httpResponse.getHeader(\'Location\')); httpResponse = new Http().send(httpRequest); } if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == 200 ) { strResponse = httpResponse.getBody(); } else { throw new CalloutException(httpResponse.getBody()); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw ex; } } if(!String.isBlank(strResponse)) { mapJsonData = (map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(strResponse); System.debug(\'mapJsonData ===> \'+mapJsonData); } if(!mapJsonData.isEmpty()) { return mapJsonData; } else { return null; } } }
import getCurrencyData from \'@salesforce/apex/CurrencyConversionController.retriveCurrencyConversionRates\';
update JS Controller with below code
import { LightningElement, track} from \'lwc\'; // importing apex class to make callout import getCurrencyData from \'@salesforce/apex/CurrencyConversionController.retriveCurrencyConversionRates\'; // Currency options const options = [ { label: \'USD\', value: \'USD\' }, { label: \'EUR\', value: \'EUR\' }, { label: \'CAD\', value: \'CAD\' }, { label: \'GBP\', value: \'GBP\' }, { label: \'INR\', value: \'INR\' }]; export default class HTTPCalloutInLWC extends LightningElement { @track fromCurrencyValue; @track toCurrencyValue; @track options = options; @track toCurrencyOptions = options; @track conversionData; // Getting Base currency value handleFromCurrencyChange(event) { this.fromCurrencyValue = event.detail.value; } // getting exchange currency value handleToCurrencyChange(event) { this.toCurrencyValue = event.detail.value; } // Making Callout using apex class handleCurrencyConversion() { // endpoint URL let endpointURL = \'\' + this.fromCurrencyValue + \'&to_currency=\' + this.toCurrencyValue + \'&apikey=4W7NZUQNJ061YHHF\'; // calling apex class method to make callout getCurrencyData({strEndPointURL : endpointURL}) .then(data => { let objData = { From_Currency_Name : \'\', From_Currency_Code : \'\', To_Currency_Name : \'\', To_Currency_Code : \'\', Exchange_Rate : \'\', Last_Refersed : \'\', }; window.console.log(\'jsonResponse ===> \'+JSON.stringify(data)); // retriving the response data let exchangeData = data[\'Realtime Currency Exchange Rate\']; // adding data object objData.From_Currency_Code = exchangeData[\'1. From_Currency Code\']; objData.From_Currency_Name = exchangeData[\'2. From_Currency Name\']; objData.To_Currency_Code = exchangeData[\'3. To_Currency Code\']; objData.To_Currency_Name = exchangeData[\'4. To_Currency Name\']; objData.Exchange_Rate = exchangeData[\'5. Exchange Rate\']; objData.Last_Refershed = exchangeData[\'6. Last Refreshed\']; // adding data object to show in UI this.conversionData = objData; }) .catch(error => { window.console.log(\'error ====> \'+JSON.stringify(error)); }) } }
Thanks for sharing Bro
Thanks for sharing Bro