How to integrate Jitterbit with Salesforce?

Among my salesforce buddies, the mention of ‘database’ and ‘Salesforce’ in the same breath pops just one tool in everyone’s mind – Jitterbit. And that’s how popular Jitterbit is among salesforce developers. Salesforce-Jitterbit integration is one of the most sought after salesforce integration projects demanded by our clients and thus the reason behind this blog.

Jitterbit is a very robust data-migration and manipulation tool for salesforce that allows your salesforce system to connect with your external databases and documents. It can be connected with all the editions of salesforce and allows you to connect any type of database with your Salesforce system, including MySQL, SQL server, Oracle Database, CSV files, XLS/XLSX files, and TSV files.

Why Use Third Party Cloud DataLoader?

When you think about creating, deleting and updating of databases, you automatically picture a job which is probably boring, time consuming and involves lots of labor. Now even after such huge advancements in technologies and user-interface techniques, such prejudices still apply to the job. And if you have ever maintained databases, you truly know that such is true indeed.

Even though Salesforce is quite user friendly if we talk about the structuring and handling of internal databases, it also stands short when it comes to manipulating external databases.

As we discussed in our previous post about integrating external databases with Salesforce we should know now that integration with legacy external databases and even some new ones is not as easy as it sounds. There are two types of solutions related to integration with external databases,

One that requires a custom data-loader developed from scratch, and
Second which require a prebuilt data migration tool.
Now combined with the fact that database maintenance can make or break an organization, most enterprises do not go for a custom data-loader tool because of their non-user friendly interfaces, which was one of the main reasons why most switch to Salesforce in the first place.

Therefore the third party tools are most preferred for the job. Out of the many available tools, Jitterbit is the most often used application for the database integration.

Salesforce Integration with Jitterbit

Integrating Jitterbit with Salesforce is surprisingly not that difficult as it seems. It doesn’t require a lot of coding. All you have to do is

Download Jitterbit from Appexchange,
Install it in your build and
Map the database.
Here are step by step instructions

1. Go to Appexchange and search Jitterbit Dataloader. The app is also available on Jitterbit website here

2. You would need to create an account on Jitterbit to use the application but since the application is free to download and use, two minutes for an account creation is a low price to pay.

3. Login and download Jitterbit Cloud Dataloader.
It is an on-system application and for now is available only for Windows and Mac Operating systems

4. Install and run the application.

5. Enter your salesforce credential in the application so that it can connect with your salesforce cloud databases.

6. Update the queries to connect with your external databases

7. Now all that’s left is to map your Salesforce database and external databases, which is a point-and-click operation.

Features that make Jitterbit special
The free price tag of the Jitterbit data tool provides an illusion that it does not have many features but this is only a prejudicial illusion. Jitterbit Dataloader is packed with small and useful features. Here are some of the most useful ones:-

1. A graphical point-and-click database management wizard

2. Easy features for Insert, Update, Upsert, Query, Delete and Bulk Load in databases.

3. Automation of operations with customized schedules and reuse facility of queries.

4. Connectivity with all types of database flat files as well as JDBC and ODBC databases.

5. Connectivity with all types of Salesforce accounts including Group Edition and Professional Edition.

6. Automatic backup features to Jitterbit Cloud (you need to create a paid account for Jitterbit cloud)

7. Easy administration of operations with comprehensive operation logs, history and queues.

8. Advanced point-and-click database mapping features

9. Advanced Auto-Mapper features that automatically connect similar database fields.

10. Support for a very large number of third part integration APIs.

Jitterbit Editions, Pricing and Differences

The basic Jitterbit data loader tool is free of charge. However for more advanced features you need to shell a hefty fee for the paid version of Jitterbit known as Jitterbit Integration Platform. The integration platform cost $1000/month for standard edition, $2500/month for professional edition, and $5000/month for Enterprise edition. Here are some of the few differences between Jitterbit paid and free versions.

1. Jittterbit Free supports all flat database files and provides connectivity with ODBC and JDBC.
Jitterbit Integration platform, along with all free tools feature, provide salesforce to salesforce automated database migration features, XML/ Web service database features and mapping of external databases to multiple Salesforce account database tables.

2. Jiiterbit free comes with a basic operation wizard.
Jitterbit Integration platform comes with a workflow designer, in-built tester, advanced database manipulation features, advanced scripting features, and a large library support.

3. Jitterbit Integration platform has Administrator as well as separate User and Project Manager consoles. Free version only has Administrator consoles.

4. Most significant difference is that Free version can only be deployed as single instance on an on premise computer system.

There are other alternatives as well

Though Jitterbit is the most popular Database-loader tool, it is not the only one is market. Just like every app it has its competitors. Here are a few:-

1. Informatica Cloud
2. Cast Iron
3. SnapLogic
4. Boomi
5. Jitterbit
6. Sesame Relational Junction


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