How to Edit Conversion Rates in multiple currencies in Salesforce?

You can manage exchange rates between your active and inactive currencies and the corporate currency by editing the conversion rates. These are static exchange rates that apply to all currency fields used in your organization. In addition to these conversion rates, your organization may also use dated exchange rates for opportunities and opportunity products. For more information about dated exchange rates, see About Advanced Currency Management.

To edit your organization\’s static conversion rates:
1. Click Your Name | Setup | Company Profile | Manage Currencies.
2. If advanced currency management is enabled, click Manage Currencies.
3. Click Edit Rates in the Active Currencies or Inactive Currencies lists.
4. Enter the conversion rate between each currency and your corporate currency.
5. Click Save.

When you change the conversion rates, currency amounts are updated using the new rates. Previous conversion rates are not stored. All conversions within opportunities, forecasts, and other amounts use the current conversion rate.
If your organization uses advanced currency management, you can also manage dated exchange rates for currency fields on opportunities and opportunity products.


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