How do we control permissions in a Pardot Business Unit?

When you provision a business unit, the Salesforce-Pardot connector is automatically created in a paused state. The connector user has View All Data and Modify All Data permissions for Salesforce objects that sync between Pardot and Salesforce. To prevent duplicate records and skewed reporting, limit what syncs to each business unit before you unpause the connector for the first time. For example, if you have just provisioned a Business Unit for your AUS team, ensure that the connector’s permissions only allow it to see AUS data in Salesforce.

The table below outlines how to control the connector’s ability to sync different Salesforce records:

ObjectHow to control which business unit can sync the object’s records
LeadsMarketing Data Sharing rules / Salesforce connector permissions
ContactsMarketing Data Sharing rules / Salesforce connector permissions
OpportunitiesMarketing Data Sharing rules / Salesforce connector permissions
Custom ObjectsMarketing Data Sharing rules / Salesforce connector permissions
UsersProfiles in Salesforce User Sync
CampaignsCampaign Record Types in Connected Campaign Configuration
  • A lead or contact record can sync with a prospect in one business unit. Giving multiple business units access to a lead or contact causes data conflicts and can affect sync speeds. To have a prospect in multiple business units, create duplicate records that represent the same individual and sync each record with a separate lead or contact.
  • A connected campaign can sync with only one business unit.
  • Pardot and Salesforce have their own data authorization and sharing models. The Salesforce data that’s available to users in the Pardot Lightning app is determined by their Salesforce permissions. The Pardot data that users see in Salesforce is determined by their business unit. For example, let’s say you have two business units, North America and Europe, and a user has access only to the North America business unit. The user’s Salesforce permissions gives access to all Salesforce leads, but they have access only to the prospects in the North America business unit.

To know more about What are Pardot Business Unites?

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