Free Salesforce Training Resources for Beginners

๐Ÿ’œ Hello guys, if you want to learn Salesforce Cloud Platform and looking for free training courses then you have come to the right place

๐ŸŽฏ If you donโ€™t know, the Salesforce platform is a unique platform for custom application design, analytics features, and new features. It seems out of this world to people that a person with no background can work on Salesforce.

๐Ÿ† Is Salesforce Training Free? Yes! ๐ŸŒน Check all the resources below


By breaking down barriers to learning and creating an equal and accessible pathway into the Salesforce ecosystem, more than 3 million people are already skilling up with Trailhead.

How does Trailhead help people?

Well, letโ€™s take a look at some stats from a 2020 study. More than 50% of Trailhead learners reported they had gained skills that resulted in a promotion or a raise at their current company. One in five reported a salary increase of more than 20% because of Trailhead. And one in three Trailblazers have found a new job with the skills theyโ€™ve learned on Trailhead.

Can anyone use Trailhead?ย ย 

Anyone with an internet connection whoโ€™s ready to take their skills to the next level, regardless of background, age, gender, or belief can simply sign up for a free Trailhead account (no Salesforce CRM account needed) at 

Salesforce Certification Days

Salesforce Certification Days are free, half-day webinars led by expert Salesforce instructors. The webinars will cover the main topic of the exam you are preparing for, focusing on the highest weighted areas.

Keep Looking at this site, Salesforce adds more number of certificate Courses with variety of products

Salesforce Fundamentals

Salesforce Fundamentals is a free, 3-week virtual course where youโ€™ll learn all about Salesforce, real-world business use cases, the ecosystem, and potential careers.

Live, virtual sessions are hosted weekly, with the recording available on demand. After each session, youโ€™ll receive an email containing suggested Trailhead modules, plus additional career resources.

Find sessions in your region and register here.

Salesforce Pathfinder

The Salesforce Pathfinder Program is a workforce development program co-founded by Salesforce and Deloitte in 2018. The program is centered around the vision that all individuals, regardless of background, demographics, or socioeconomic status, should have access to the skills and support necessary to access opportunities as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The program is a commitment to train the next generation of Trailblazers with the technical and business skills necessary to pursue careers across the Salesforce ecosystem.

Pathfinder provides free, immersive training for future Trailblazers. With 200+ hours of live and asynchronous learning, Pathfinder empowers anyone to learn in-demand skills, earn Salesforce credentials, and make connections with mentors and the Trailblazer Community. Participants train with experienced Salesforce instructors, get hands-on with Trailhead, Salesforceโ€™s online learning platform, and complete practical case studies, while also learning the business skills to pursue Salesforce ecosystem jobs as admins, developers, analysts, consultants, and more.

Sign up here: Salesforce Pathfinder


#Journey2Salesforce is career development program run by Salesforce. It helps individuals to start in Salesforce ecosystem by training them and helping them learn from scratch about Salesforce and then connecting them to organisations which are looking to hire Salesforce professionals.

Free Virtual Online Courses Conducted by Experts

 ๐ŸŒŽ Salesforce Introductory Course

๐ŸŒŽ Learn Salesforce in easy steps and get certified!

๐ŸŒŽ Salesforce Introductory Course and Career Planning

๐ŸŒŽ How do I get started in a Salesforce Career?

๐ŸŒŽ How do I get my first job without experience?

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