Business Process/Logic

Implenting Business Processes:
can be used for
–preserving data quality
–automatic processes
–keeping processes from getting ‘stuck’
–keeping systems in sync
–Formula fields
–Validation rules
–Approval process
–Workflow Rules
–Outbound Messaging
–Field History Tracking
–Setup Audit Trail
–ischanged – compares with previous value and returns true if it is changed
–priorvalue – returns the previous value of the field
–isnew – checks if a formula is running during creation of new record and returns true if it is
–ispickval – determines if the value of pickuplist is equal to specified string
–regex – string used to describe the format of the string according to certain syntax rules. It compares a text –field to regular expression and returns true, if there is a match
–vlookup – returns value by looking up a record value in a custom object. It checks against a key and returns —-value from that key.
–isnumber – returns true if a text value is number
–case – checks against a series of values
–image – inserts an image
–htmlencode – encodes text stings and merge field values for use in html (e.g. ‘Assignment rules->Auto-Response rules->Workflow rules->Escalation rules
–Auditing Processes
–Setup Audit Trail
–tracks changes made to the setup of an org
–lists the date of the change, the name of the user who made the change and a description of the change
–displays 20 most recent changes
–tracks changes for 180 days
–can choose upto 20 fields per object for tracking changes
–Field History Tracking
–allows to track the history related lists for cases, contacts, leads, opportunities, solutions, accounts, –c—-contracts, and custom objects
–modification to any standard or custom field, whose history is set to be tracked, results in a new entry in the -History related list
–for most field types, both the old and new values are captured in the History related list; however those values are not tracked for long text area and multi-select picklist type fields
–tracks changes for upto 20 fields

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