Accessing Salesforce Data with python via Connected App (Oauth 2.0)





Before connecting token to python, first you first need to create a Connected App in Saleforce.

A connected app is an application that integrates with using APIs and uses either SAML and OAuth protocols to authenticate, provide Single Sign-On, and provide tokens for use with Salesforce APIs. In addition to standard OAuth capabilities, connected apps allow administrators to set various security policies and have explicit control over who may use the applications.

  1. Login to your Salesforce organization:
  2. Create a Connected App by clicking CreateApp, then New in the Connected Apps section.
  3. Enter all the pertinent data and enable API (Enable OAuth Settings) with Full access (full). You can likely change the access level to suit your needs, but full access will at least work.
  4. Once created, grab your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. You’ll need them in a moment.

Using this information, you can now execute the following code.

Executing below Pyton code returns the following JSON output:


Exactly what we’d expect. Or so we think.

Turns out, the fact that this code executes at all is because we’ve logged into Salesforce from our machine and we have inadvertantly completed one of two steps required for identify verification. Through the APIs it’s not enough to simply provide the username and password. We need to do more.

To test this (if you’re up for it), try to execute this from a different machine with a different IP address – for example, AWS. You will get the following error:

authentication failure - Failed: API security token required

While you may find this annoying it’s purposeful and important. The reality is that sometimes a username and password isn’t enough. We need more protection. This error is in effect telling you that you’re not calling from a trusted IP address.

There are three ways to fix it. The easy way, the somewhat more challenging way, and then the right way.

Let’s take a look at the three ways. But don’t use the first two. Seriously.

  1. Set appropriate login ranges for the user profile. Administration SetupManage UsersUsers. Find your login name and then click the link under Profile. In my case, this is System Administrator. Click Login IP Rangesthen the *New button. For giggles, add the range to as this will enable access from everywhere.

    Hopefully you see why this is not a good long term solution.

  2. Set appropriate login ranges for the connected app. App SetupCreateApps. Click the connected app you created. Click New next to IP Ranges. Unlike the IP ranges for the user profile you cannot set a ridiculously large range; your have to be more specific and concrete. Figure out the IP range for your host and enter it here.

    This is also not a good solution although it’s better than the previous. Fight the urge to do this and let’s look at the right option.

  3. Get a security token. This is the right thing to do and is called the Username-Password OAuth Authentication Flow. Turns out, it’s not hard to do this. Personal SetupMy Personal InformationReset My Security Token. This will send a new security token to you via email.

    You must append the security token to their password. For example, if a user’s password is “mypassword” and the security token is “XXXXXXXXXX”, then the value provided for this parmeter must be “mypasswordXXXXXXXXXX”.

    As you can see, this is not at all difficult.

So, knowing this and proceeding with option #3, we can make a minor change to our Python code.

Python Script:

import requests

consumer_key = \"YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY\"
consumer_secret = \"YOUR_CUSTOMER_SECRET\"
username = \"YOUR_USER_NAME\"
password = \"YOUR_PASSWORD\"
organizationId = \"YOUR-ORGANIZATIONID\"
payload = {
    \'grant_type\': \'password\',
    \'client_id\': consumer_key,
    \'client_secret\': consumer_secret,
    \'username\': username,
    \'password\': password,
    \'organizationId\': organizationId
r =\"\", 
print r.content

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