Mobile Simulators

The Salesforce1 app is designed to run on a mobile device, like a phone or tablet, but that doesn’t mean you have to develop on one. Especially when you’re working with Visualforce pages that will apper in both the Salesforce1 app and the full Salesforcesite, it’s convenient to develop on your desktop. By accessing the Salesforce1 app in a device emulator, you can develop iteratively on your desktop, without having to pick up your device to test each change.

Running the Salesforce1 app in an emulator isn’t supported for normal use, and it’s not a substitute for full testing of your custom apps and pages on your organization’s supported mobile devices. During development you should regularly test your app on every device and platform on which you intend to deploy.

To view your Salesforce1 custom pages and apps on a device emulator, download and install the appropriate SDK for your supported devices.

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