Make your Small Business Big with Slack

Make your Small Business Big with Slack

Digital Transformation has become a necessity for every business – whether a small or a big giant corporation. One to a survey by Slack, a Salesforce Company, small businesses are losing 96 minutes (about 3 hours) of productivity, costing them three weeks per year. The same study also reveals that with technology your business can be played from the front – also millennials are using tech more than compared to Gen Z.   

US Small Business Owners claim 2024 as the year of Make or Break”. Slack surveyed 2000 small business owners – around 40% of them claim that 2024 is a make-or-break year for businesses. United States small businesses mainly generate 44% of the GDP and yet they are under pressure to deal with the changing landscape of a business – looking for growth opportunities and challenges.  

Key Facts from the Research 

  • One of the productivity killers found in the last few years is switching between multiple apps and tools. On average, small business owners are using four different tools and applications throughout the day.   
  • The hearts of 59% of small business owners are filled with happiness as they willingly incorporate new tech into their workplaces.

Slack is a Superhero for Your Small Business 

Well, one of the most exciting aspects in this Digital Transformation era is “Slack, a company by Salesforce”. With Slack, you don’t need to switch between different apps and have a great sync with your team members. It centralizes the conversation and automates the business process. A trusted generative AI integration in Slack made it more capable of becoming more productive. Teams who are using Slack as a major tool of communication are 49% more productive and 90% of teams feel a seamless connection with Slack.  

If you want to make your business big and don’t want to switch between different App – here Valuehub Consulting Service will help you out. We have more than 15 experts in Slack that will ease down your journey.  

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