What Makes Salesforce\’s Cloud Different From Other Clouds …
Today one of my friend came to me with a surprising question..Here it is: what makes salesforce cloud different from other clouds..then I can’t able to explain in detail, So
Today one of my friend came to me with a surprising question..Here it is: what makes salesforce cloud different from other clouds..then I can’t able to explain in detail, So
Today one of my friend came to me with a surprising question..Here it is: what makes salesforce cloud different from other clouds..then I can\’t able to explain in detail, So
Batch Apex is a powerful tool that can be used to do all sorts of cool stuff on the Salesforce platform. Batch Apex is typically used to perform larger operations
SELECT ApexClassOrTrigger.Name, NumLinesCovered, NumLinesUncovered FROM ApexCodeCoverageAggregate ORDER BY ApexClassOrTrigger.Name ASC These objects like a) ApexCodeCoverage contains coverage per class per test class b) ApexCodeCoverageAggregate contains coverage per class for all
Next_N_Days is used to get next N days records from the object. The below query will fetch accounts where it\’s Next Billing Date is today and within next 45 days.
<apex:page id=”thePage”><apex:toolbar id=”theToolbar”><apex:outputText value=”Sample Toolbar”/><apex:toolbarGroup itemSeparator=”line” id=”toobarGroupLinks”><apex:outputLink value=”http://www.salesforce888.wordpress.com”>Infallible Techie</apex:outputLink><apex:outputLink value=”http://www.salesforce.com”>Salesforce</apex:outputLink></apex:toolbarGroup><apex:toolbarGroup itemSeparator=”line” location=”right” id=”toobarGroupForm”><apex:form id=”theForm”><apex:inputText id=”theInputText”>Enter Text: </apex:inputText><apex:commandLink value=”search” id=”theCommandLink”/></apex:form></apex:toolbarGroup></apex:toolbar></apex:page> Cheers!!!
Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool. Ant was originally used for building Java applications, but Salesforce.com supplies extra libraries to enable Ant to move metadata between a
While Salesforce makes for a great CRM, its licensing is a bit complex. A number of AppExchange installations fail because of wrong user licenses or features, and many organizations pay
OEM vs ISV Apps for SalesForce The tremendous popularity of SalesForce and the vast potential it unlocks throws open a good opportunity for developers to publish their apps in SalesForce
QR code is getting popular as now most people carrying smart phone, we can install QR code reader for free. We often see QR code in many places, from print advertisement, shop ad.,
As of Winter ’15 release, Event Log Files has been Generally Available. It contains useful information for assessing organizational usage trends and user behaviour. However, there is no access through
We just implement Salesforce NFP (not for profit) for our church to store members database and attendances. Thanks to Salesforce for providing this awesome system for free. We send birthday email to