Data Model

Data Model
Application Essentials
Building Your Data Model
Id is indexed, 15 char case sensitive, 18 char, case insensitive, first 3 chars consist of code that identify type of object
Name is indexed, required field, text (need not be unique)/auto number (usually unique), appear as first column by default in list/related views
owner can represent group/user, has additional previliges, default owner is creator
limit on custom fields depend on Salesforce edition
Data types:
Numeric – number, currency, percent
Calendar – Date, DateTime
Limited Option – checkbox, picklist, picklist (multi-select)
Formatted Text – Email, Phone, URL
Text – Text, Text Area (255), Text Area (Long-32768), Text Area (Rich-32768,images,links, formatted), Encrypted – any amount
Calculation – Auto-Number (system generated), Formula, Roll-up summary (created on master object, allows calculations on details)
Name – used programmatically
Label – used in UI
Universally required field – required field for all record types and will always display on the edit page
Unique field – cannot contain duplicate values, can be case sensitive/insensitive
External Id – record id from another system. Fields of type: Text, Number, Email. Can have upto 3. Will have custom index, increases report & SOQL performance
Default Value – can be based on formula
Standard picklist fields can be controlling fields, but not dependent fields, max # allowed in controlling field is 300. In addition, if a field represents both a controlling field and dependent field, it cannot contain more than 300 values
A custom multi-select picklist cannot be the controlling field for a dependent field
Encrypted fields – the value of the encrypted field is visible to users who has ‘View Encrypted Data’ permission. Contact Salesforce to get this access. cannot be unique, an external id or have default value
Lookup Relationship
links custom or standard, independent ownership, security, each object can have upto max of 25 lookup relationships, made required/optional, for optional,
if field is optional, can use one of the following actions when a lookup record is deleted:
clear value of this field (default)
don’t allow deletion that is part of lookup relationship
delete this records also. cascade delete bypasses security & sharing settings, allowing users to delete records they don’t have access to.
master-detail relationship
tightly coupled
parent field is always required
automatically deletes the child
when parent is deleted, ownership & access to child record determined by parent
cannot have sharing rules
manual sharing or queues, on detail objects because these rules and queues require the owner field
cannot contain a standard object on the detail side of the relationship
master-detail can be configured so that child records on the custome objects can be reparented
cannot create master-detail relationship to users & lead objects
page layout should include a field in the child object for the associated master record
Difference between Lookup & Master-Detail Relationship
max 25 objects
parent required or optional
security & access are independent for objects
deleting parent object may delete the child, if the child field is required
link objects across multiple layers
lookup field on page layout depends on required/optional choice
cross-object field updates and roll-up summary fields cannot be done
max 2 objects
parent field on child required
access to parent determines access to children
deleting a parent automatically deletes the child
deleting a parent automatically deletes the child
the # depends on whether the master object is standard or a custom object (linking objects across multiple layers)
lookup field on page layouts is required
cross-object field updates and roll-up summary fields can be done
Special relationships
self relationship (lookup) & many to many relationships (master detail relationship)
junction object
custom object with 2 relationships
also referred as intersection object
moved to recycle bin when any of the associated master reocrds are deleted, however deleted permenantly and cannot be restored when both associated master records are deleted
Lookup Filters
to limit the search results for related fields (lookup, master-detail or hierarchical)
filters can be required or optional, value must match the criteria, if it is required
Building Your User Interface
3 different ways to customize UI: custom apps, custom tabs, custom layouts
file size for custom logo is 20 kb, 300 wide by 55 pixels high, add file to documents tab to have it as a header
3 types of custom tabs
custom object tabs – display data from any custom object
web tabs – display any external web app in UI tab
visualforce tabs – display vf page in UI tab
Page Layouts
defines organization of fields, custom links, field locations, page section customizaions, field properties.
Introduction to Business Logic
Cross object formula
can be created from objects that are linked either by a master-detail or a lookup relationship
can contain objects that span across multiple levels of relationships
limit: 10 unique relationships per object across all formulas and rules
cannot reference in rollup summary fields
cannot reference merge fields for objects related to activites
cannot reference record owner merge fields for any object
If a standard and custom field have identical names or labels, the merge field displays the custom field value.
If two custom fields have identical names or labels, the merge field may display an unexpected value.
If you create a field label called Email and a standard field labeled Email already exists, the merge field may be unable to distinguish between the fields. Adding a character to the custom field name makes it unique. For example, Email2.)
Roll-up summary fields
read-only formula fields that can display sum, min, max or record count
can add for all custom master-detail relationships & some standard master-detail relationships including account opportunity, and opportunityproduct
Migrating Configuration Changes
Configuration changes are stored as metadata
(new sandboxes that are not activated within 30 days & the sandboxes that have been locked for 30 days will be deleted)
3 tools to move metadata: change sets, IDE, migration took (ANT based)
like email, you send a changeset to org
apex code should meet 75% of covering test cases
system detects incompatibilities bet versions
ability to work with change sets is controlled by profile permissions
change sets cannot be modified once it is created.

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